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“Men who used cologne exhibited an increase in both self-confidence and self-perceived attractiveness”

study published in the Journal of Cosmetic Sciences found that men who used cologne exhibited an increase in both self-confidence and self-perceived attractiveness. The study states: "This effect highlights the flexible nature of self-confidence to respond to rapid changes in one's own physical traits through the use of artificial cosmetic products. An individual's personal odour and the perfume product chosen may thus influence both self-perception and impressions formed by others. " In other words, it's not just the smell itself that others are responding to, but to the increased confidence you exhibit when you know you smell good.

“Students who were most actively involved in the classroom tended to display power poses; that is, open positions, with arms out and heads up”

“Your non-verbal cues make all the difference, and smiling and making eye contact may signal availability and confidence.”

Amy Cuddy, social psychologist and professor at Harvard Business School, noticed that students who were most actively involved in the classroom tended to display 'power poses'; that is, open positions, with arms out and heads up, a more dominant position. Quieter students, on the other hand, tended to sit in more closed positions, heads down, hands folded, etc.

A confident smile can be more attractive than good looks, according to research out of Webster University, as reported in Time magazine. Dr. Monica Moore studied flirting techniques in bars and malls to see which ones worked best; and what she found was that it wasn't necessarily the most physically-attractive people who got approached the most, but the ones who made eye contact and smiled with confidence.


Your non-verbal cues make all the difference, and smiling and making eye contact may signal availability and confidence. In other words, be careful who you smile at!

"Volunteer activities build self-confidence, and it also offers benefits for you and your community"

Volunteering can boost your self-confidence because several things. First of all, it helps with your sense of belonging. When you volunteer, people will generally be happy to have you around. Additionally, volunteering in a team or group can create an even stronger sense of belonging and worthiness.  Moreover, it can give you a sense of achievement because it is a wonderful thing to do. Further more it can take you outside of your comfort zone and it gives you an opportunity to face your fears.



Well, it seems clear that the sooner you try to fix this issue the easier it will be to do so. This is not because you are older, but instead because of the vices and bad habits you progressively acquire throughout your life. From this point, it is the job of experts and professionals to try to help you, advising you whenever you do not know what path to follow. However, it is impossible to generalize, each person has its own problems and issues, and therefore they should start working from a different perspective.

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